
Sam Wordley – a blog from a pro

A positive start to his first season as a PRO. Sam Wordley. A 27-year-old Professional Triathlete and Royal Marines Commando from North Devon, UK. After attaining my PRO license at Outlaw X during my first year racing Middle Distance in 2023, I am now racing as an...
What’s a professional triathlon like?

What’s a professional triathlon like?

CES pro Lizzie Rayner talks us through her first race of the season taking a solid 6th at 70.3 Valencia. Expecting chaos from a 2m dive start with 30 other girls I started the swim hard and was one of the first to the turn buoy around 200m away. Then came the...

”Save the rim brake” Competition

”Save the rim brake” competition: Win a Free Set of Wheels! We’re excited to announce an incredible opportunity for our UK-based riders! Get ready to gear up and go with our latest competition, where you could win a brand-new set of wheels! Whether...
CES Sport Triathlon Wheels – Team Talk

CES Sport Triathlon Wheels – Team Talk

With Lucy Byram CES Sport is committed to developing the best triathlon wheels for both pro and amateur athletes. As part of our commitment to the sport, we sponsor up-and-coming riders with the wheels they need to be competitive. After an amazing maiden year racing...
Best sports Socks? – Stand4 Socks charity deal

Best sports Socks? – Stand4 Socks charity deal

Best sports socks is a phrase that has always made us smile when pitching ideas around the office. I mean, surely all socks are equal, right? Of course, we know that the best sports socks offer increased support, wicking and extra padding where needed. However, one...
Exercise After COVID-Five top tips

Exercise After COVID-Five top tips

Exercise After COVID-Our top tips Excercise after COVID can be tricky, even for fit people.  Team CES thought it was time to revisit this subject. Back in January 2021, we spoke with professional Triathlete and Commonwealth games competitor Chris Silver, himself...
Aero position cycling for beginners

Aero position cycling for beginners

Aero position cycling can be uncomfortable and even dangerous if you are just starting. Many articles and videos claim to have the answers; however, some are misleading. If you plan to adopt a full aero position when racing, this article will cover the basic must-have...